Source code for khorosjx.utils.helper

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:Module:         khorosjx.utils.helper
:Synopsis:       Module that allows the khorosjx library to leverage a helper file and/or script
:Usage:          ``from khorosjx.utils import helper``
:Example:        ``helper_cfg = helper.import_yaml_file('/path/to/jxhelper.yml')``
:Created By:     Jeff Shurtliff
:Last Modified:  Jeff Shurtliff
:Modified Date:  29 Apr 2020

import importlib

import yaml

from .core_utils import eprint
from ..errors import exceptions

# Define function to import a YAML helper file
[docs]def import_yaml_file(file_path): """This function imports a YAML (.yml) helper config file. .. versionchanged:: 2.5.1 Changed the name and replaced the ``yaml.load`` function call with ``yaml.safe_load`` to be more secure. :param file_path: The file path to the YAML file :type file_path: str :returns: The parsed configuration data :raises: FileNotFoundError """ with open(file_path, 'r') as yml_file: helper_cfg = yaml.safe_load(yml_file) return helper_cfg
# Define function to parse the YAML helper file
[docs]def parse_helper_cfg(helper_cfg, file_type='yaml'): """This is the primary function used to parse the helper config file. :param helper_cfg: The raw data loaded from the config file :param file_type: Indicates the type of configuration file (Default: ``yaml``) :returns: None (Defines global variables) :raises: CredentialsUnpackingError, InvalidHelperArgumentsError, HelperFunctionNotFoundError """ _get_connection_info(helper_cfg, file_type) _get_console_color_settings(helper_cfg, file_type) _get_modules_to_import(helper_cfg, file_type) return
# Define function to covert a YAML Boolean value to a Python Boolean value def _convert_yaml_to_bool(_yaml_bool_value): """This function converts the 'yes' and 'no' YAML values to traditional Boolean values. .. versionchanged:: 2.5.2 A conversion is now only attempted if the value is not already in Boolean format. """ if type(_yaml_bool_value) != bool: true_values = ['yes', 'true'] if _yaml_bool_value.lower() in true_values: _yaml_bool_value = True else: _yaml_bool_value = False return _yaml_bool_value # Define function to parse the function arguments if present def _parse_function_arguments(_function_args_string): if len(_function_args_string) == 0: _parsed_arguments = {} else: try: _parsed_arguments = dict(e.split('=') for e in _function_args_string.split(', ')) except ValueError: raise exceptions.InvalidHelperArgumentsError # Update the data types as needed for _arg_key, _arg_value in _parsed_arguments.items(): if ("\"" in _arg_value) or ("'" in _arg_value): _arg_value = str(_arg_value.replace("\"", "").replace("'", "")) elif _arg_value.lower() == "true" or _arg_value.lower() == "false": _arg_value = _convert_yaml_to_bool(_arg_value) elif _arg_value.isdigit(): _arg_value = int(_arg_value) _parsed_arguments[_arg_key] = _arg_value return _parsed_arguments def _get_connection_info(_helper_cfg, _file_type='yaml'): """This function retrieves the connection information from the helper configuration file.""" # Define the base URL as a global string variable global helper_base_url helper_base_url = _helper_cfg['connection']['base_url'] # Define the API credentials as a global tuple variable global helper_api_credentials _use_script = _convert_yaml_to_bool(_helper_cfg['connection']['credentials']['use_script']) if _use_script is False: _helper_username = _helper_cfg['connection']['credentials']['username'] _helper_password = _helper_cfg['connection']['credentials']['password'] else: _helper_username, _helper_password = _get_credentials_from_module(_helper_cfg) helper_api_credentials = (_helper_username, _helper_password) return # Define function to get the API credentials from a module and function def _get_credentials_from_module(_helper_cfg): # Define the module and function information _module_name = _helper_cfg['connection']['credentials']['module_name'] _function_name = _helper_cfg['connection']['credentials']['function_name'] _function_kwargs = _helper_cfg['connection']['credentials']['function_kwargs'] # Import the supplied module _imported_module = importlib.import_module(_module_name) try: _function = getattr(_imported_module, _function_name) except AttributeError: raise exceptions.HelperFunctionNotFoundError # Parse the function arguments _arguments = _parse_function_arguments(_function_kwargs) # Retrieve the credentials using the module and function try: _helper_username, _helper_password = _function(**_arguments) except ValueError: raise exceptions.CredentialsUnpackingError("The function called by the helper module must return two " + "values, one for the username and one for the password.") return _helper_username, _helper_password # Define function to get the modules to import def _get_modules_to_import(_helper_cfg, _file_type='yaml'): global modules_to_import modules_to_import = [] if 'import_all' in _helper_cfg['modules'].keys(): if _convert_yaml_to_bool(_helper_cfg['modules']['import_all']) is True: modules_to_import.append('all') return for _mod_name, _import_val in _helper_cfg['modules'].items(): if _mod_name == 'import_all': break elif _mod_name not in HelperParsing.accepted_import_modules: _error_msg = f"The module '{_mod_name}' is not a valid option for the " + \ "'modules' setting. The entry will be ignored." eprint(_error_msg) elif _import_val not in HelperParsing.yaml_boolean_values.keys(): _error_msg = f"The value '{_import_val}' is not a valid option for the " + \ f"'{_mod_name}' setting. The entry will be ignored." eprint(_error_msg) else: if _convert_yaml_to_bool(_helper_cfg['modules'][_import_val]) is True: modules_to_import.append(_mod_name) return # Define function to get console color settings def _get_console_color_settings(_helper_cfg, _file_type='yaml'): # Define the console colors setting as a Boolean global variable global helper_console_colors _cfg_val = _helper_cfg['styling']['use_console_colors'] if _file_type == 'yaml' and _cfg_val in HelperParsing.yaml_boolean_values: helper_console_colors = HelperParsing.yaml_boolean_values.get(_cfg_val) else: _error_msg = f"The value '{_cfg_val}' is not a valid option for the " + \ "'use_console_colors' setting. The value will be set to False." eprint(_error_msg) helper_console_colors = False return # Define function to retrieve the helper configuration settings
[docs]def retrieve_helper_settings(): """This function returns a dictionary of the defined helper settings. :returns: Dictionary of helper variables with nicknames """ helper_settings = { 'base_url': helper_base_url, 'api_credentials': helper_api_credentials, 'use_console_colors': helper_console_colors, 'modules_to_import': modules_to_import } return helper_settings
# Define class for dictionaries to help in parsing the configuration files
[docs]class HelperParsing: """This class is used to help parse values imported from a YAML configuration file.""" # Define dictionary to map YAML Boolean to Python Boolean yaml_boolean_values = { True: True, False: False, 'yes': True, 'no': False } # Defined the acceptable import fields within the 'modules' section accepted_import_modules = ['all_modules', 'admin', 'blogs', 'content', 'content.base', 'docs', 'events', 'groups', 'ideas', 'places', 'places.spaces', 'spaces', 'threads', 'users', 'videos'] all_modules = ['admin', 'content', 'groups', 'places', 'users']