Source code for khorosjx

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:Package:           khorosjx
:Synopsis:          This package includes custom exceptions and a function to call them with specific error messages
:Usage:             ``import khorosjx``
:Example:           ``khorosjx.init_helper('/home/user/jxhelper.yml')``
:Created By:        Jeff Shurtliff
:Last Modified:     Jeff Shurtliff
:Modified Date:     24 Mar 2020

from . import core, errors
from .utils import version

# Define all modules that will be imported with the "import *" method
__all__ = ['core', 'admin', 'content', 'groups', 'news', 'places', 'spaces', 'users']

# Define the package version by pulling from the khorosjx.utils.version module
__version__ = version.get_full_version()

# Define function to initialize additional modules via the primary package
[docs]def init_module(*args): """This function imports select modules from the library. :param args: One or more module names to import :type args: str, tuple :returns: None :raises: :py:exc:`ModuleNotFoundError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.KhorosJXError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.InvalidKhorosJXModuleError` """ # Get any arguments supplied in the function import_all = ['admin', 'content', 'groups', 'news', 'places', 'users'] if 'all' in args: arguments = import_all else: arguments = [] for arg in args: if type(arg) == tuple or type(arg) == list: for item in arg: if type(item) == tuple or type(item) == list: for subitem in item: arguments.append(subitem) else: arguments.append(item) else: arguments.append(arg) if 'all' in arguments: arguments = import_all # Import any of the supplied modules for mod_entry in arguments: if mod_entry == "core": print("The module `khorosjx.core` is already imported and will not be imported again.") elif mod_entry == "admin": from . import admin elif mod_entry == "blogs": from .places import blogs elif mod_entry == "content": from . import content elif mod_entry == "content.base": from .content import base as content_base elif mod_entry == "docs": from .content import docs elif mod_entry == "events": from .content import events elif mod_entry == "groups": from . import groups elif mod_entry == "ideas": from .content import ideas elif mod_entry == "news": from . import news elif mod_entry == "places": from . import places elif mod_entry == "places.spaces": from .places import spaces elif mod_entry == "spaces": from . import spaces elif mod_entry == "threads": from .content import threads elif mod_entry == "users": from . import users elif mod_entry == "videos": from .content import videos else: raise errors.exceptions.InvalidKhorosJXModuleError return
# Define function to initialize a helper file
[docs]def init_helper(file_path, file_type='yaml'): """This function initializes a helper configuration file to define package settings including the API connection. :param file_path: Path to the helper configuration file :type file_path: str :param file_type: The type of file utilized as the configuration file (Default: ``yaml``) :type file_type: str :returns: None (Defines global variables and establishes API connection) :raises: :py:exc:`FileNotFoundError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.CredentialsUnpackingError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.InvalidHelperArgumentsError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.HelperFunctionNotFoundError` """ # Import the helper module from .utils import helper # Initialize the global variable for the helper configuration data global helper_settings # Obtain the helper configuration settings if file_type == 'yaml': helper_cfg = helper.import_yaml_file(file_path) else: exception_msg = f"The '{file_type}' file type is not currently supported and the '{file_path}' file cannot" + \ "be utilized as a Helper configuration file." raise errors.exceptions.InvalidFileTypeError(exception_msg) helper.parse_helper_cfg(helper_cfg) helper_settings = helper.retrieve_helper_settings() # Establish the API connection core.connect(helper_settings['base_url'], helper_settings['api_credentials']) # Define global variable for the console colors setting global use_console_colors use_console_colors = helper_settings['use_console_colors'] # Import any specified modules if len(helper_settings['modules_to_import']) > 0: init_module(helper_settings['modules_to_import']) return
# Display a warning if the running version is not the latest stable version found on PyPI version.warn_when_not_latest()