Source code for khorosjx.utils.core_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:Module:            khorosjx.utils.core_utils
:Synopsis:          Useful tools and utilities to assist in managing a Khoros JX (formerly Jive-x) or Jive-n community
:Usage:             ``import khorosjx``
:Example:           ``timestamp = khorosjx.utils.core_utils.get_timestamp(time_format="delimited")``
:Created By:        Jeff Shurtliff
:Last Modified:     Jeff Shurtliff
:Modified Date:      Dec 2019

import sys
import json
import warnings
from datetime import datetime

from dateutil import tz

from . import df_utils
from ..errors import exceptions
from .classes import TimeUtils, Content

# Print an error message to stderr instead of stdout
# TODO: Move this function to the khorosjx.errors.handlers module
[docs]def eprint(*args, **kwargs): """This function behaves the same as the ``print()`` function but is leveraged to print errors to ``sys.stderr``.""" print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) return
# Define function to get the current timestamp
[docs]def get_timestamp(time_format="split"): """This function obtains the current timestamp in the local timezone. :param time_format: The format for the timestamp that will be returned (default: ``split``) :type time_format: str :returns: The current timestamp in ``%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`` format as a string """ # Get the appropriate formatting syntax formatting_syntax = get_format_syntax(time_format) # Get the current time current_timestamp = current_timestamp = current_timestamp.strftime(formatting_syntax) return current_timestamp
[docs]def get_format_syntax(syntax_nickname): """This function obtains the appropriate datetime format syntax for a format nickname. (e.g. ``delimited``) :param syntax_nickname: The nickname of a datetime format :type syntax_nickname: str :returns: The proper datetime format as a string """ if syntax_nickname in TimeUtils.time_formats: time_format = TimeUtils.time_formats.get(syntax_nickname) else: error_msg = f"The time format '{syntax_nickname}' is not recognized. Defaulting to delimited formatting." print(error_msg) time_format = TimeUtils.time_formats.get('delimited') return time_format
# Define function to validate a timestamp string to see if it is properly formatted
[docs]def validate_timestamp(timestamp, time_format="delimited", replace_invalid=True): """This function validates a timestamp string to ensure that it matches a prescribed syntax. :param timestamp: The timestamp in string format :type timestamp: str :param time_format: The format for the supplied timestamp (default: ``delimited``) :type time_format: str :param replace_invalid: States if an invalid timestamp should be replaced with a default value (Default: ``True``) :type replace_invalid: bool :returns: A valid timestamp string, either what was provided or a default timestamp :raises: ValueError """ # Define a default timestamp to use if the supplied timestamp is invalid default_timestamp = "2016-01-01T01:01:01" if time_format == "split": default_timestamp = default_timestamp.replace('T', ' ') # Get the format syntax based on its nickname formatting_syntax = get_format_syntax(time_format) # Test the script validation by attempting to parse it as a datetime object try: parsed_timestamp = datetime.strptime(timestamp, formatting_syntax) except ValueError as timestamp_exception: if replace_invalid: # Log and display an error and replace timestamp with the default value before returning it error_msg = f"The timestamp {timestamp} is invalid and will be replaced " + \ f"with the default value {default_timestamp}." print(error_msg) timestamp = default_timestamp else: # Raise an exception for the invalid timestamp raise ValueError(timestamp_exception) return timestamp
# Define function to convert a dictionary to JSON
[docs]def convert_dict_to_json(data): """This function converts a dictionary to JSON so that it can be traversed similar to a converted requests response. :param data: Dictionary to be converted to JSON :type data: dict :returns: The dictionary data in JSON format :raises: TypeError """ data = json.dumps(data) data = json.loads(data) return data
# Define function to convert a list of dictionaries to a pandas dataframe
[docs]def convert_dict_list_to_dataframe(dict_list, column_names=[]): """This function converts a list of dictionaries into a pandas dataframe. :param dict_list: List of dictionaries :type dict_list: list :param column_names: The column names for the dataframe (Optional) :type column_names: list :returns: A pandas dataframe of the data """ warnings.warn( "The khorosjx.utils.core_utils.convert_dict_list_to_dataframe function is deprecated and will be removed " "in v3.0.0. Use khorosjx.utils.df_utils.convert_dict_list_to_dataframe instead.", DeprecationWarning ) # Leverage the khorosjx.utils.df_utils.convert_dict_list_to_dataframe function to get and return the dataframe dataframe = df_utils.convert_dict_list_to_dataframe(dict_list, column_names) return dataframe
# Define function to convert a single-pair dictionary list to a normal list
[docs]def convert_single_pair_dict_list(dict_list): """This function converts a list of single-pair dictionaries into a normal list. :param dict_list: A list of single-pair dictionaries :type dict_list: list :returns: A normal list with the value from each dictionary """ new_list = [] for dict_pair in dict_list: for dict_val in dict_pair.values(): new_list.append(dict_val) return new_list
[docs]def add_to_master_list(single_list, master_list): """This function appends items in a list to the master list. :param single_list: List of dictionaries from the paginated query :type single_list: list :param master_list: Master list of dictionaries containing group information :type master_list: list :returns: The master list with the appended data """ for list_item in single_list: master_list.append(list_item) return master_list
[docs]def remove_comment_wrappers_from_html(html_string): """This function removes comment wrappers (i.e. ``<!--`` and ``-->``) from an HTML string. .. versionadded:: 2.5.1 :param html_string: The HTML string from which to remove comment wrappers :type html_string: str :returns: The HTML string with comment wrappers removed """ start_comment_position = html_string.find("<!--") end_comment_position = html_string.find("-->") last_start_comment_position = html_string.rfind("<!--") last_end_comment_position = html_string.rfind("-->") return html_string.replace(html_string[start_comment_position:end_comment_position + 3], "").replace( html_string[last_start_comment_position:last_end_comment_position + 3], "")
[docs]def identify_dataset(query_uri): """This function identifies the appropriate field dataset by examining a query URI. :param query_uri: The API query URI to be examined :type query_uri: str :returns: The appropriate dataset name in string format """ dataset = "" for uri_identifier, dataset_mapping in Content.uri_dataset_mapping.items(): if uri_identifier in query_uri: dataset = dataset_mapping break if dataset == "": raise exceptions.DatasetNotFoundError if uri_identifier == '__get_security_group_dataset': dataset = __get_security_group_dataset(query_uri) elif uri_identifier == '__get_invite_dataset': dataset = __get_invite_dataset(query_uri) elif uri_identifier == '__get_metadata_dataset': dataset = __get_metadata_dataset(query_uri) elif uri_identifier == '__get_moderation_dataset': dataset = __get_moderation_dataset(query_uri) elif uri_identifier == '__get_search_dataset': dataset = __get_search_dataset(query_uri) elif uri_identifier == '__get_support_center_dataset': dataset = __get_support_center_dataset(query_uri) elif uri_identifier == '__get_tile_dataset': dataset = __get_tile_dataset(query_uri) return dataset
def __get_security_group_dataset(_query_uri): """This function identifies the appropriate security group dataset.""" _dataset = "" for _uri_identifier, _dataset_mapping in Content.security_group_uri_map.items(): if _uri_identifier in _query_uri: _dataset = _dataset_mapping if _dataset == "": _dataset = "security_group" return _dataset def __get_invite_dataset(_query_uri): """This function identifies the appropriate invite dataset.""" _dataset = "invite" if 'invites/event' in _query_uri: _dataset = "event_invite" return _dataset def __get_metadata_dataset(_query_uri): """This function identifies the appropriate metadata dataset.""" _dataset = "metadata_property" if 'properties/public' in _query_uri: _dataset = "metadata_public_property" return _dataset def __get_moderation_dataset(_query_uri): """This function identifies the appropriate moderation dataset.""" _dataset = "moderation" if 'pending/counts' in _query_uri: _dataset = "moderation_pending_count" elif 'pending' in _query_uri: _dataset = "moderation_pending" return _dataset def __get_search_dataset(_query_uri): """This function identifies the appropriate search dataset.""" _dataset = "" if 'search/contents' in _query_uri: _dataset = "search_contents" elif 'search/people' in _query_uri: _dataset = "search_people" elif 'search/places' in _query_uri: _dataset = "search_places" elif 'search/tags' in _query_uri: _dataset = "search_tags" return _dataset def __get_support_center_dataset(_query_uri): """This function identifies the appropriate support center dataset.""" _dataset = "" if 'avatar' in _query_uri: _dataset = "support_center_avatar" elif 'banner' in _query_uri: _dataset = "support_center_banner" elif 'blocks' in _query_uri: _dataset = "support_center_block" elif 'channels' in _query_uri: _dataset = "support_center_channel" elif 'categories' in _query_uri: _dataset = "support_center_category" elif 'section' in _query_uri: _dataset = "section" return _dataset def __get_tile_dataset(_query_uri): """This function identifies the appropriate tile dataset.""" if 'categories' in _query_uri: _dataset = "tile_category" else: _dataset = "tile" return _dataset