Source code for khorosjx.utils.classes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:Module:         khorosjx.utils.classes
:Synopsis:       Collection of classes relating to the khorosjx library
:Usage:          ``from khorosjx.utils.classes import Users``
:Created By:     Jeff Shurtliff
:Last Modified:  Jeff Shurtliff
:Modified Date:  06 Mar 2020

# Define a class for lists of JSON fields for various API data sets
[docs]class FieldLists: """This class provides lists of JSON fields for various API data sets.""" document_fields = ['id', 'entityType', 'followerCount', 'likeCount', 'published', 'tags', 'updated', 'contentID', 'author', 'content', 'parent', 'favoriteCount', 'replyCount', 'status', 'subject', 'viewCount', 'visibleToExternalContributors', 'parentVisible', 'parentContentVisible', 'restrictComments', 'editDisabled', 'version', 'attachments', 'helpfulCount', 'unhelpfulCount', 'type', 'typeCode', 'lastActivityDate'] idea_fields = ['id', 'subject', 'followerCount', 'replyCount', 'favoriteCount', 'viewCount', 'voteCount', 'commentCount', 'published', 'updated', 'tags', 'contentID', '', '', '', 'content.text', 'parent', 'status', 'visibleToExternalContributors', 'type','typeCode','lastActivityDate','score','stage','authorshipPolicy'] people_fields = ['id', 'followerCount', 'published', 'updated', 'displayName', 'mentionName', 'name.formatted', 'email.value', 'followingCount', 'directReportCount', 'initialLogin', 'jive.lastAuthenticated', 'jive.externalIdentities.identityType', 'jive.externalIdentities.identity', 'jive.username', 'jive.status'] place_fields = ['id', 'followerCount', 'followed', 'published', 'tags', 'updated', 'placeID', 'contentTypes', 'description', 'displayName', 'name', 'parent', 'status', 'viewCount', 'placeTopics', 'childCount', 'visibleToExternalContributors', 'locale', 'inheritsAppliedEntitlements', 'type', 'typeCode', 'resources.html.ref'] publication_fields = ['id', 'published', 'updated', 'subscriptions', 'name', 'author', 'displayOrder', 'subscriberCount', 'associationCount', 'receiveEmails', 'subscribersType', 'beingProcessed', 'type', 'typeCode'] security_group_fields = ['id', 'published', 'updated', 'administratorCount', 'memberCount', 'name', 'description', 'federated'] stream_fields = ['id', 'name', 'published', 'receiveEmails', 'source', 'updated', 'type'] subscription_fields = ['id', 'published', 'updated', 'name', 'subscriberCount', 'subscribers', 'associations', 'type', 'typeCode'] video_fields = ['id', 'followerCount', 'followed', 'likeCount', 'published', 'tags', 'updated', 'contentID', 'author', 'content', 'parent', 'contentVideos', 'favoriteCount', 'replyCount', 'status', 'subject', 'viewCount', 'visibleToExternalContributors', 'parentVisible', 'parentContentVisible', 'lastActivity', 'abuseCount', 'categories', 'visibility', 'duration', 'inline', 'externalID', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds', 'stillImageURL', 'authtoken', 'autoplay', 'height', 'playerBaseURL', 'playerName', 'width', 'watermarkURL', 'videoType', 'videoMetadata', 'embedded', 'type', 'typeCode', 'lastActivityDate']
# Define a class for content-related list, dictionaries and other utilities
[docs]class Content: """This class includes content-related lists, dictionaries and other utilities.""" # Map the content types to their respective contentTypeID content_types = { 'blog post': 38, 'discussion': 1, 'document': 102, 'event': 96891546, 'idea': 3227383, 'question': 1, 'thread': 1, 'video': 1100 } # Map the content types to the delimiter the URL for them content_url_delimiters = { 'blog post': '/community', 'discussion': '/thread', 'document': '/docs', 'event': '/events', 'idea': '/ideas', 'question': '/thread', 'thread': '/thread', 'video': '/videos' } # Define the permitted file types for videos permitted_video_file_types = ['avi', 'mov', 'wmv', 'mp4', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'flv', '3gp', '3g2'] # Map the datasets to their respective field lists datasets = { 'blog': FieldLists.place_fields, 'document': FieldLists.document_fields, 'group_admins': FieldLists.people_fields, 'group_members': FieldLists.people_fields, 'idea': FieldLists.idea_fields, 'people': FieldLists.people_fields, 'place': FieldLists.place_fields, 'publication': FieldLists.publication_fields, 'security_group': FieldLists.security_group_fields, 'space': FieldLists.place_fields, 'stream': FieldLists.stream_fields, 'subscriptions': FieldLists.subscription_fields, 'video': FieldLists.video_fields } # Map security group query URI identifiers to datasets security_group_uri_map = { '/administrators': 'group_admins', '/members': 'group_members' } # Map query URI identifiers to dataset nicknames uri_dataset_mapping = { 'abuseReports': 'abuse_report', # Not yet supported 'acclaim': 'acclaim', # Not yet supported 'actions': 'action', # Not yet supported 'activities': 'activity', # Not yet supported 'addOns': 'add_on', # Not yet supported 'admin/plugins': 'admin_plugin', # Not yet supported 'admin/profileFields': 'admin_profile_field', # Not yet supported 'admin/properties': 'admin_property', # Not yet supported 'announcements': 'announcement', # Not yet supported 'attachments': 'attachment', # Not yet supported 'calendar': 'calendar', # Not yet supported 'checkpoints': 'checkpoint', # Not yet supported 'collaborations': 'collaboration', # Not yet supported 'comments': 'comment', # Not yet supported 'deletedObjects': 'deleted_object', # Not yet supported 'dms': 'dms', # Not yet supported 'events': 'event', # Not yet supported 'eventTypes': 'event_type', # Not yet supported 'extprops': 'extended_properties', # Not yet supported 'extstreamDefs': 'external_stream_definition', # Not yet supported 'extstreams': 'external_stream', # Not yet supported 'ideaVotes': 'idea_vote', # Not yet supported 'images': 'image', # Not yet supported 'inbox': 'inbox', # Not yet supported 'invites': '__get_invite_dataset', # Not yet supported 'v3/members': 'social_group_member', # Not yet supported 'mentions': 'mention', # Not yet supported 'messages': 'message', # Not yet supported 'metadata/locales': 'metadata_locale', # Not yet supported 'metadata/objects': 'metadata_object', # Not yet supported 'metadata/properties': '__get_metadata_dataset', # Not yet supported 'metadata/resources': 'metadata_resource', # Not yet supported 'metadata/timezones': 'metadata_timezone', # Not yet supported 'moderation': '__get_moderation_dataset', # Not yet supported 'oembed': 'oembed', # Not yet supported 'outcomes': 'outcome', # Not yet supported 'pages': 'page', # Not yet supported 'v3/people': 'people', 'v3/places': 'place', 'placeTemplateCategories': 'place_template_category', # Not yet supported 'placeTemplates': 'place_template', # Not yet supported 'placeTopics': 'place_topic', # Not yet supported 'profileImages': 'profile_image', # Not yet supported 'publications': 'publication', 'questions': 'question', # Not yet supported 'rsvp': 'rsvp', # Not yet supported 'search': '__get_search_dataset', # Not yet supported 'v3/sections': 'section', # Not yet supported 'securityGroups': '__get_security_group_dataset', 'shares': 'share', # Not yet supported 'slides': 'slide', # Not yet supported 'supportCenter': '__get_support_center_dataset', # Not yet supported 'stages': 'stage', # Not yet supported 'statics': 'static_resource', # Not yet supported 'streamEntries': 'stream_entry', # Not yet supported 'streams': 'stream', # Not yet supported 'v3/tags': 'tag', # Not yet supported 'tileDefs': 'tile_definition', # Not yet supported 'tiles': '__get_tile_dataset', # Not yet supported 'urls': 'url', # Not yet supported 'versions': 'version', # Not yet supported 'videos': 'video', # Not yet supported 'vitals': 'vitals', # Not yet supported 'votes': 'vote', # Not yet supported 'webhooks': 'webhook' # Not yet supported }
# Define a class for group-related lists, dictionaries and other utilities
[docs]class Groups: """This class provides various mappings to security group-related information.""" # Map the membership types to the appropriate API endpoint membership_types = { 'admin': 'administrators', 'member': 'members' } # Map the user types to the response data types user_type_mapping = { 'admin': 'group_admins', 'member': 'group_members' }
# Define a class for platform-related lists, dictionaries and other utilities
[docs]class Platform: """This class provides various mappings to Jive-related information such as environments, URLs, etc.""" # Define the high-level core API versions core_api_versions = ['v2', 'v3']
# Define a class for user-related lists, dictionaries and other utilities
[docs]class Users: """This class includes user-related lists, dictionaries and other utilities.""" # Define a class for user JSON fields
[docs] class UserJSON: """This class maps the field names in the users table to the JSON field names.""" fields = { 'user_jive_id': 'id', 'user_full_name': ('name', 'formatted'), 'user_email': ('emails', 0, 'value'), 'user_username': ('jive', 'username'), 'user_enabled': ('jive', 'enabled'), 'user_federated': ('jive', 'federated'), 'user_external_id': ('jive', 'externalIdentities', 0, 'identity'), 'user_first_login': 'initialLogin', 'user_last_login': ('jive', 'lastAuthenticated'), 'user_agm_level': ('jive', 'level', 'name'), 'user_agm_points': ('jive', 'level', 'points'), 'user_tags': 'tags', 'user_address_street': ('addresses', 0, 'value', 'streetAddress'), 'user_address_city': ('addresses', 0, 'value', 'locality'), 'user_address_state': ('addresses', 0, 'value', 'region'), 'user_address_zip': ('addresses', 0, 'value', 'postalCode'), 'user_address_country': ('addresses', 0, 'value', 'country'), 'user_locale': ('jive', 'locale'), 'user_profile': ('jive', 'profile') } profile_fields = { 'Company': 'user_company', 'Title': 'user_job_title', 'Certifications': 'user_certifications', 'Department': 'user_department', 'Biography': 'user_biography', 'Occupation': 'user_occupation', 'URL': 'user_website', 'Twitter': 'user_twitter' }
# Define class related to time and date information
[docs]class TimeUtils: """This class contains dictionaries and other utilities to assist with time-related function calls.""" # Define a dictionary of time formats and their respective syntax time_formats = { 'delimited': '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', 'split': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' }