Source code for khorosjx.users

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:Module:         khorosjx.users
:Synopsis:       Collection of functions relating to user accounts and profiles
:Usage:          ``import khorosjx``
:Example:        ``user_info = khorosjx.users.get_people_followed(user_id)``
:Created By:     Jeff Shurtliff
:Last Modified:  Jeff Shurtliff
:Modified Date:  22 Sep 2021

import json

from . import core
from . import errors
from .utils import core_utils
from .utils.classes import Users
from .utils.core_utils import eprint

# Define global variables
base_url, api_credentials = '', None

# Define function to verify the connection in the core module
[docs]def verify_core_connection(): """This function verifies that the core connection information (Base URL and API credentials) has been defined. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Refactored the function to be more pythonic and to avoid depending on a try/except block. :returns: None :raises: :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.KhorosJXError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.NoCredentialsError` """ if not base_url or not api_credentials: retrieve_connection_info() return
[docs]def retrieve_connection_info(): """This function initializes and defines the global variables for the connection information. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Refactored the function to be more efficient. :returns: None :raises: :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.KhorosJXError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.NoCredentialsError` """ # Define the global variables at this module level global base_url global api_credentials base_url, api_credentials = core.get_connection_info() return
# Define function to return JSON field data for a user
[docs]def get_json_field(json_data, field_names): """This function retrieves a value for a specific field from the JSON data for a user. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Refactored the function to be more efficient. :param json_data: The JSON data from which the field value must be retrieved :type json_data: dict :param field_names: The field name along with any parent field paths :type field_names: tuple, list :returns: The value for the specific field in its original format :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`TypeError`, :py:exc:`KeyError` """ field_value = None if isinstance(field_names, str): field_value = json_data.get(field_names) elif isinstance(field_names, tuple) or isinstance(field_names, list): if len(field_names) == 2: field_one, field_two = field_names field_value = json_data.get(field_one).get(field_two) elif len(field_names) == 3: field_one, field_two, field_three = field_names field_value = json_data.get(field_one).get(field_two).get(field_three) elif len(field_names) == 4: field_one, field_two, field_three, field_four = field_names field_value = json_data.get(field_one).get(field_two).get(field_three).get(field_four) return field_value
# Define function to populate a dictionary with user account and profile information
[docs]def parse_user_fields(json_data): """This function populates a dictionary with the user information retrieved from the API response. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Refactored the function to be more efficient. :param json_data: The user data retrieved from the API in JSON format :type json_data: dict :returns: Dictionary of user information that has been validated and normalized """ # Populate the fields user_info = {} for db_field, json_field in Users.UserJSON.fields.items(): try: user_info[db_field] = get_json_field(json_data, json_field) if db_field == 'user_address_street': user_info[db_field] = user_info.get(db_field).replace('\n', '') elif (db_field == 'user_first_login') or (db_field == 'user_last_login'): raw_timestamp = user_info.get(db_field)[:19] user_info[db_field] = core_utils.validate_timestamp(raw_timestamp) elif db_field == 'user_tags': user_info[db_field] = ', '.join(user_info.get(db_field)) elif db_field == 'user_profile': profile = user_info[db_field] for idx in range(len(profile)): if profile[idx]['jive_label'] in Users.UserJSON.profile_fields: profile_field_name = Users.UserJSON.profile_fields.get(profile[idx]['jive_label']) user_info[profile_field_name] = profile[idx]['value'] del user_info['user_profile'] except (KeyError, IndexError, AttributeError): # Continue on to the next field continue # Return the user information return user_info
# Define function to get someone's User ID when provided with their email address or username
[docs]def get_user_id(lookup_value, lookup_type='email'): """This function obtains the User ID for a user by querying the API against the user's email address or username. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Updated the :py:func:`khorosjx.users._validate_lookup_type` function call to use the new function name. :param lookup_value: Email address or username of the user :type lookup_value: str :param lookup_type: Determines if the lookup value is an ``email`` or ``username`` (Default: ``email``) :type lookup_type: str :returns: The User ID for the user :raises: :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.InvalidLookupTypeError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ lookup_type = _validate_lookup_type(lookup_type) if '@' not in lookup_value: exception_msg = f"The lookup type is 'email' but '{lookup_value}' is not a valid email address." raise errors.exceptions.LookupMismatchError(exception_msg) user_data = core.get_data('people', lookup_value, lookup_type, return_json=True) user_id = user_data['id'] return user_id
# Define internal function to validate the lookup type for a GET request function call def _validate_lookup_type(_lookup_type, _retrieval_value='id'): """This function validates a lookup type to ensure that it is acceptable to the primary function call. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Renamed the function to only have a single underscore prefix and added parenthesis to the exceptions. :param _lookup_type: The lookup type that will be used in the primary function call :type _lookup_type: str :param _retrieval_value: Indicates the value which the primary function call will be retrieving :type _retrieval_value: str :returns: The validated lookup type :raises: :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.InvalidLookupTypeError` """ _accepted_lookup_values = { 'id': ('email', 'username'), 'username': ('id', 'email'), 'email': ('id', 'username') } if _retrieval_value == "id": if _lookup_type not in _accepted_lookup_values.get(_retrieval_value): raise errors.exceptions.InvalidLookupTypeError() else: _warn_msg = f"The lookup type {_lookup_type} is not recognized. The function will " + \ "default to treating the lookup value as" if _retrieval_value == "email" and _lookup_type not in _accepted_lookup_values.get(_retrieval_value): eprint(f"{_warn_msg} a User ID.") _lookup_type = "id" elif _retrieval_value == "username" and _lookup_type not in _accepted_lookup_values.get(_retrieval_value): eprint(f"{_warn_msg} an email address.") _lookup_type = "email" elif _lookup_type not in _accepted_lookup_values: raise errors.exceptions.InvalidLookupTypeError() return _lookup_type # Define function to get the primary email address of a user
[docs]def get_primary_email(lookup_value, lookup_type="id"): """This function obtains the primary email address for a user by looking up their User ID or username. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Updated the :py:func:`khorosjx.users._validate_lookup_type` function call to use the new function name. :param lookup_value: The User ID or username for which to look up the user :type lookup_value: str :param lookup_type: Determines if the User ID or username should be used to find the user (Default: ``id``) :type lookup_type: str :returns: The primary email address for the user :raises: :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.InvalidLookupTypeError` """ lookup_type = _validate_lookup_type(lookup_type, 'email') user_data = core.get_data('people', lookup_value, lookup_type, return_json=True) primary_email = user_data['emails'][0]['value'] return primary_email
# Define function to get someone's username using their email address or user ID (default)
[docs]def get_username(lookup_value, lookup_type="id"): """This function obtains the username for a user by looking up their User ID or email address. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Updated the :py:func:`khorosjx.users._validate_lookup_type` function call to use the new function name. :param lookup_value: The User ID or email address for which to look up the user :type lookup_value: str :param lookup_type: Determines if the User ID or email address should be used to find the user (Default: ``id``) :type lookup_type: str :returns: The username for the user """ lookup_type = _validate_lookup_type(lookup_type, 'username') user_data = core.get_data('people', lookup_value, lookup_type, return_json=True) username = user_data['jive']['username'] return username
# Define function to get a user's profile URL using their email address or user ID (default)
[docs]def get_profile_url(lookup_value, lookup_type="id"): """This function constructs the URL to a user's profile. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Removed a hardcoded URL with the interpolated ``base_url`` variable. :param lookup_value: The lookup value to locate the user :type lookup_value: str :param lookup_type: Determines if the lookup value is a User ID, email address or username (Default: ``id``) :type lookup_type: str :returns: The URL of the user's profile """ if lookup_type == "username": username = lookup_value else: username = get_username(lookup_value, lookup_type) profile_url = f"{base_url}/people/{username}" return profile_url
def _get_paginated_content_count(_user_uri, _start_index, _count=100): """This function identifies the content count for an individual REST API call. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Renamed the function to only have a single underscore prefix. :param _user_uri: The URI for the user using the ``people`` API endpoint :type _user_uri: str :param _start_index: The startIndex value in the REST API call :type _start_index: int :param _count: The number of results to return from the API (Default: ``100``) :type _count: int :returns: The count of content found for the individual REST API call in integer format """ _content_uri = f"{base_url}/contents?filter=author({_user_uri})&count={_count}&startIndex={_start_index}" _response = core.get_request_with_retries(_content_uri) if _response.status_code == 200: _response_json = _response.json() _content_count = len(_response_json.get('list')) else: _content_count = 0 return _content_count # Define function to get the count of content created by a user
[docs]def get_user_content_count(user_id, start_index=0): """This function obtains the number of content items created by a particular user. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Updated the :py:func:`khorosjx.users._get_paginated_content_count` function call to use the new function name. :param user_id: The User ID of the user :type user_id: int :param start_index: The startIndex value in the REST API call (Default: ``0``) :type start_index: int :returns: The count of content found for the user in integer format """ # Define the variable to track the total content count and structure the user URI total_count = 0 user_uri = f"{base_url}/people/{user_id}" # Get the content count for the first 100 results and increment the total count accordingly content_count = _get_paginated_content_count(user_uri, start_index) total_count += content_count # Continue rolling through the user content until all assets have been identified while content_count > 0: start_index += 100 content_count = _get_paginated_content_count(user_uri, start_index) total_count += content_count return total_count
# Define function to get the people followed by a particular user
[docs]def get_people_followed(user_id, ignore_exceptions=False, return_type=list, start_index=0): """This function returns a list of users followed by a particular user. :param user_id: The User ID for the user against which to check :type user_id: int :param ignore_exceptions: Determines whether non-200 API responses should raise an exception (Default: ``False``) :type ignore_exceptions: bool :param return_type: Determines whether to return a comma-separated string, tuple or list (Default: ``list``) :type return_type: type :param start_index: The startIndex for the API call (Default: ``0``) :type start_index: int :returns: The User IDs of all people followed by the queried user """ def _get_followed(_user_id, _ignore_exceptions=False, _start_index=0, _count=100): """This function performs the API call to get the users followed from a single GET request. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Renamed the function to only have a single underscore prefix and added parenthesis to the exception classes. :param _user_id: The User ID for the user against which to check :type _user_id: int :param _ignore_exceptions: Determines whether non-200 responses should raise an exception (Default: ``False``) :type _ignore_exceptions: bool :param _start_index: The startIndex for the API call (Default: ``0``) :type _start_index: int :param _count: The maximum number of results to return in the API call (Default: ``100``) :type _count: int :returns: The data from the @following sub-endpoint in JSON format :raises: :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.UserQueryError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.UserNotFoundError`, """ _following_url = f"{base_url}/people/{_user_id}/@following?count={_count}" + \ f"&startIndex={_start_index}" _response = core.get_request_with_retries(_following_url) if _response.status_code == 200: _following_data = _response.json() else: if _ignore_exceptions: _empty_response = {"list": []} _following_data = core_utils.convert_dict_to_json(_empty_response) else: if _response.status_code == 404: raise errors.exceptions.UserNotFoundError() else: raise errors.exceptions.UserQueryError() return _following_data # Verify that the core connection has been established verify_core_connection() # Perform the initial API call people_followed = [] following_data = _get_followed(user_id, ignore_exceptions) # Continue looping through the data from subsequent calls until an empty list is found in the JSON response while following_data.get('list'): for user_followed in following_data.get('list'): # Append reach User ID to the list people_followed.append(user_followed.get('id')) # Perform the next API call for the next 100 users start_index += 100 following_data = _get_followed(user_id, ignore_exceptions, start_index) # Convert the list to a comma-separated string and return the value if return_type == str: people_followed = ','.join(people_followed) elif return_type == tuple: people_followed = tuple(people_followed) return people_followed
# Define function to get the recent logins
[docs]def get_recent_logins(count=100, start_index=0): """This function returns the most recent logins that have occurred in the environment. :param count: The maximum number of results to return in the given GET request (Default: ``100``) :param start_index: The ``startIndex`` value in the GET request (Default: ``0``) :returns: The login data in JSON format :raises: :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.UserQueryError` """ # Verify that the core connection has been established verify_core_connection() # Perform and parse the query query_url = f"{base_url}/people?sort=lastLoggedIn&" + \ f"fields=jive,emails,name&count={count}&startIndex={start_index}" response = core.get_request_with_retries(query_url) if response.status_code != 200: error_msg = f"The query to get recent logins returned the status code {response.status_code}" + \ f" with the following message: {response.text}" raise errors.exceptions.UserQueryError(error_msg) else: response_json = response.json() login_data = response_json.get('list') return login_data