Source code for khorosjx.errors.exceptions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:Module:        khorosjx.errors.exceptions
:Synopsis:      Collection of exception classes relating to the khorosjx library
:Usage:         ``import khorosjx.errors.exceptions``
:Example:       ``raise khorosjx.errors.exceptions.BadCredentialsError``
:Created By:    Jeff Shurtliff
:Last Modified: Jeff Shurtliff
:Modified Date: 23 Sep 2021

# Khoros JX Exceptions

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# Base Exception
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# Define base exception classes
[docs]class KhorosJXError(Exception): """This is the base class for Khoros JX exceptions.""" pass
# ------------------------ # Module Import Exceptions # ------------------------ # Define module import exception classes
[docs]class InvalidKhorosJXModuleError(KhorosJXError, ModuleNotFoundError): """This exception is used when an invalid module is attempted to be initialized from the primary __init__ file.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The module to be initiated is invalid and cannot be imported." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
# ------------------------- # Authentication Exceptions # ------------------------- # Define authentication exception classes
[docs]class NoCredentialsError(KhorosJXError, NameError): """This exception is used when credentials weren't found when utilizing the core functions.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The base URL and API credentials have not yet been defined.\nRun the khorosjx.core.connect" + \ "(base_url, api_credentials) function prior to calling any other khorosjx functions." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class IncompleteCredentialsError(KhorosJXError, IndexError): """This exception is used when a tuple containing API credentials is missing a username or password.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The API credentials are missing a username or password." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class CredentialsUnpackingError(KhorosJXError, IndexError): """This exception is used when the tuple containing API credentials cannot be unpacked.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The tuple for API credentials should only contain a username and a password and cannot be " + \ "unpacked due to mismatched values." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class WrongCredentialTypeError(KhorosJXError, TypeError): """This exception is used when a username or password is not in string format.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The API username and password must both be in string format." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class BadCredentialsError(KhorosJXError): """This exception is used when the supplied API credentials are incorrect.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The API username and password combination is incorrect." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
# ------------------ # Content Exceptions # ------------------ # Define content exception classes
[docs]class ContentNotFoundError(KhorosJXError, ValueError): """This exception is used when an API query for content returns a 404 status code.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The queried content could not be found by the Core API." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class ContentPublishError(KhorosJXError): """This exception is used when content is unable to publish successfully.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The content failed to publish." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
# ---------------------- # Generic API Exceptions # ---------------------- # Define generic REST API exception classes
[docs]class GETRequestError(KhorosJXError): """This exception is used for generic GET request errors when there isn't a more specific exception.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The GET request did not return a successful response." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class POSTRequestError(KhorosJXError): """This exception is used for generic POST request errors when there isn't a more specific exception.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The POST request did not return a successful response." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class PUTRequestError(KhorosJXError): """This exception is used for generic PUT request errors when there isn't a more specific exception.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The PUT request did not return a successful response." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class InvalidRequestTypeError(KhorosJXError): """This exception is used when an invalid API request type is provided.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The supplied request type for the API is not recognized. (Examples of valid " + \ "request types include 'POST' and 'PUT')" if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class InvalidLookupTypeError(KhorosJXError): """This exception is used when an invalid API lookup type is provided.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The supplied lookup type for the API is not recognized. (Examples of valid " + \ "lookup types include 'id' and 'email')" if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class LookupMismatchError(KhorosJXError): """This exception is used when an a lookup value doesn't match the supplied lookup type.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The supplied lookup type for the API does not match the value that was provided." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class InvalidEndpointError(KhorosJXError): """This exception is used when an invalid API endpoint / service is provided.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The supplied endpoint for the API is not recognized. (Examples of valid " + \ "lookup types include 'people' and 'contents')" if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class MissingBaseUrlError(KhorosJXError): """This exception is used when a valid base URL has not been defined.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "A valid base URL has not been defined and API requests cannot be made." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class APIConnectionError(KhorosJXError): """This exception is used when the API query could not be completed due to connection aborts and/or timeouts.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The API query could not be completed due to connection aborts and/or timeouts." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class NotFoundResponseError(KhorosJXError): """This exception is used when an API query returns a 404 response and there isn't a more specific class.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The API query returned a 404 response." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
# -------------------------- # Generic Non-API Exceptions # --------------------------
[docs]class InvalidDatasetError(KhorosJXError, ValueError): """This exception is used when a supplied dataset is invalid.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The supplied value is not a valid dataset." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class DatasetNotFoundError(KhorosJXError, ValueError): """This exception is used when a dataset was not provided and/or cannot be found.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "A valid dataset could not be found or was not provided." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class InvalidFileTypeError(KhorosJXError, ValueError): """This exception is used when a supplied file type is invalid and cannot be used.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The supplied value is not a valid file type and cannot be utilized." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class InvalidScopeError(KhorosJXError, ValueError): """This exception is used when a supplied scope is invalid and cannot be found.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The supplied value is not a valid scope." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class CurrentlyUnsupportedError(KhorosJXError): """This exception is used when an operation is attempted that is not yet supported.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The attempted operation is not yet supported. Please try again in a future version." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
# ----------------- # Helper Exceptions # -----------------
[docs]class InvalidHelperArgumentsError(KhorosJXError, ValueError): """THis exception is used when the helper function was supplied arguments instead of keyword arguments.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The helper configuration file only accepts basic keyword arguments. (e.g. arg_name='arg_value')" if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class HelperFunctionNotFoundError(KhorosJXError, FileNotFoundError): """This exception is used when a function referenced in the helper config file does not exist.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The function referenced in the helper configuration file could not be found." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
# --------------- # News Exceptions # ---------------
[docs]class SubscriptionNotFoundError(KhorosJXError): """This exception is used when a subscription referenced in a function does not exist.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The Subscription ID could not be found." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
# ----------------- # Spaces Exceptions # -----------------
[docs]class SpaceNotFoundError(KhorosJXError): """This exception is used when an API query for a space returns a 404 response.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The Place ID does not exist and the API returned a 404 response." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
# --------------- # User Exceptions # --------------- # Define user exception classes
[docs]class UserQueryError(KhorosJXError, ValueError): """This exception is used when an API query returns an unidentified non-200 response.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The Core API query for the user failed for an unknown reason." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class UserNotFoundError(KhorosJXError, ValueError): """This exception is used when an API query for a user returns a 404 status code.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): default_msg = "The queried user could not be found by the Core API." if not (args or kwargs): args = (default_msg,) super().__init__(*args)