Source code for khorosjx.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:Module:            khorosjx.core
:Synopsis:          Collection of core functions and tools to work with the Jive Core API v3
:Usage:             ``import khorosjx.core`` (Imported by default in primary package)
:Example:           ``user_info = khorosjx.core.get_data('people', '', 'email')``
:Created By:        Jeff Shurtliff
:Last Modified:     Jeff Shurtliff
:Modified Date:     23 Sep 2021

import re
import json

import requests

from . import errors
from .utils.core_utils import eprint, convert_dict_to_json
from .utils.classes import Platform, Content

# Define global variables
base_url, api_credentials = '', None

[docs]def set_base_url(domain_url, version=3, protocol='https', return_url=True): """This function gets the base URL for API calls when supplied with a domain URL. (e.g. ````) .. versionchanged:: 3.2.0 Added the ``return_url`` parameter to determine if the base URL should be returned by the function. :param domain_url: The domain URL of the environment, with or without the http/https prefix :type domain_url: str :param version: The version of the REST API to utilize (Default: ``3``) :type version: int :param protocol: The protocol to leverage for the domain prefix if not already supplied (Default: ``https``) :type protocol: str :param return_url: Determines if the base URL should be returned by the function (``True`` by default) :type return_url: bool :returns: The base URL for API calls in string format (e.g. ````) :raises: :py:exc:`TypeError`, :py:exc:`ValueError` """ # Define global variable and dictionaries global base_url versions = { 2: '/api/core/v2', 3: '/api/core/v3' } protocols = { 80: 'http://', 443: 'https://', 'http': 'http://', 'https': 'https://' } # Add the appropriate protocol prefix if not present if not domain_url.startswith('http'): domain_url = f"{protocols.get(protocol)}{domain_url}" # Append the appropriate API path to the URL and return the bse URL domain_url = re.sub('/$', '', domain_url) base_url = f"{domain_url}{versions.get(version)}" if return_url: return base_url return
[docs]def set_credentials(credentials): """This function defines the Core API credentials as global variables and validates them. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Parenthesis were added to the exception classes and utilized the :py:func:`isinstsance` builtin. :param credentials: The username and password for the account that will be utilizing the Core API :type credentials: tuple :returns: None :raises: :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.IncompleteCredentialsError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.CredentialsUnpackingError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.WrongCredentialTypeError` """ # Initialize the global variable global api_credentials # Ensure the supplied data can be leveraged and then define the global variable if len(credentials) != 2: if len(credentials) == 1: raise errors.exceptions.IncompleteCredentialsError() else: raise errors.exceptions.CredentialsUnpackingError() elif not isinstance(credentials[0], str) or not isinstance(credentials[1], str): raise errors.exceptions.WrongCredentialTypeError() api_credentials = credentials return
[docs]def connect(base_api_url, credentials): """This function establishes the connection information for performing Core API queries. :param base_api_url: The base URL (e.g. for for environment :type base_api_url: str :param credentials: The username and password of the account to perform the API queries :type credentials: tuple :returns: None """ set_base_url(base_api_url) set_credentials(credentials) return
[docs]def verify_connection(): """This function verifies that the base URL and API credentials have been defined. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Refactored the function to be more pythonic and to avoid depending on a try/except block. :returns: None :raises: :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.KhorosJXError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.NoCredentialsError` """ if not base_url or not api_credentials: raise errors.exceptions.NoCredentialsError() return
[docs]def get_connection_info(): """This function returns the connection information (Base URL and API credentials) to use in other modules. :returns: Base URL in string format and API credentials within a tuple """ # Verify that the connection has been established and then return the information verify_connection() return base_url, api_credentials
[docs]def get_api_info(api_filter="none", verify_ssl=True): """This function obtains the API version information for a Jive environment. .. versionchanged:: 2.6.0 Added the ``verify_ssl`` argument. :param api_filter: A filter to return a subset of API data (e.g. ``v3``, ``platform``, ``sso``, etc.) :type api_filter: str :param verify_ssl: Determines if API calls should verify SSL certificates (``True`` by default) :type verify_ssl: bool :returns: API information in JSON, string or list format depending on the filter """ # Verify that the connection has been established verify_connection() # Get the query URL to use in the API call query_url = f"{base_url.split('/api')[0]}/api/version" # Perform GET request to obtain the version information response = requests.get(query_url, verify=verify_ssl) api_data = response.json() # Define the return filters filters = { 'none': api_data, 'platform': api_data['jiveVersion'], 'v2': api_data['jiveCoreVersions'][0], 'v3': api_data['jiveCoreVersions'][1], 'sso': api_data['ssoEnabled'], 'edition': api_data['jiveEdition'], 'environment': api_data['jiveEdition']['product'], 'tier': api_data['jiveEdition']['tier'] } # Filter the data to return as necessary if api_filter.lower() in filters: try: api_data = filters.get(api_filter.lower()) except KeyError: api_data = {} else: error_msg = f"The invalid filter '{api_filter}' was provided for the API " + \ f"information. Defaulting to returning all data." print(error_msg) return api_data
[docs]def get_api_version(api_name="v3", verify_ssl=True): """This function obtains, parses and returns the current version of one of the Jive Core APIs. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Refactored the function to be more efficient. .. versionchanged:: 2.6.0 Added the ``verify_ssl`` argument. :param api_name: The name of the API for which the version should be returned (Default: ``v3``) :type api_name: str :param verify_ssl: Determines if API calls should verify SSL certificates (``True`` by default) :type verify_ssl: bool :returns: The API version in major.minor notation (e.g. 3.15) in string format """ # Verify that the connection has been established verify_connection() # Ensure that a valid API name was supplied if api_name not in Platform.core_api_versions: error_msg = f"The invalid API name '{api_name}' was provided to obtain the API " + \ f"version. Defaulting to v3." print(error_msg) api_name = "v3" # Obtain the API information api_data = get_api_info(api_name, verify_ssl) # Parse and return the API version number api_version = f"{api_data.get('version')}.{api_data.get('revision')}" return api_version
[docs]def get_platform_version(verify_ssl=True): """This function obtains the current Khoros JX (or Jive) version for an environment. .. versionchanged:: 2.6.0 Added the ``verify_ssl`` argument. :param verify_ssl: Determines if API calls should verify SSL certificates (``True`` by default) :type verify_ssl: bool :returns: The full platform version in string format (e.g. ``2018.22.0.0_jx``) """ # Verify that the connection has been established verify_connection() # Obtain and return the platform version platform_version = get_api_info('platform', verify_ssl) return platform_version
[docs]def ensure_absolute_url(query_url): """This function adds the base URL to the beginning of a query URL if not already present. .. versionadded:: 3.2.0 :param query_url: The query URL that will be utilized in an API request :type query_url: str :returns: The query URL that includes a top-level domain :raises: :py:exc:`TypeError` """ if not base_url: raise errors.exceptions.MissingBaseUrlError() if query_url and not query_url.startswith('http'): query_url = f"{base_url}{query_url}" if query_url.startswith('/') else f"{base_url}/{query_url}" return query_url
[docs]def get_request_with_retries(query_url, return_json=False, verify_ssl=True): """This function performs a GET request with a total of 5 retries in case of timeouts or connection issues. .. versionchanged:: 3.2.0 The query URL is now made into an absolute URL as necessary before performing the API request. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Refactored the function to be more efficient. .. versionchanged:: 2.6.0 Added the ``verify_ssl`` argument. :param query_url: The URI to be queried :type query_url: str :param return_json: Determines whether or not the response should be returned in JSON format (Default: ``False``) :type return_json: bool :param verify_ssl: Determines if API calls should verify SSL certificates (``True`` by default) :type verify_ssl: bool :returns: The API response from the GET request (optionally in JSON format) :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`TypeError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError` """ # Verify that the connection has been established verify_connection() # Prepare the query URL query_url = ensure_absolute_url(query_url) # Perform the GET request retries, response = 0, None while retries <= 5: try: response = requests.get(query_url, auth=api_credentials, verify=verify_ssl) break except Exception as e: current_attempt = f"(Attempt {retries} of 5)" error_msg = f"The GET request failed with the exception below. {current_attempt}" print(f"{error_msg}\n{e}\n") retries += 1 if retries == 6: failure_msg = "The API call was unable to complete successfully after five consecutive API timeouts " + \ "and/or failures. Please call the function again or contact Khoros Support." raise errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError(failure_msg) # Convert to JSON if specified response = response.json() if return_json else response return response
[docs]def get_base_url(api_base=True): """This function returns the base URL of the environment with or without the ``/api/core/v3/`` path appended. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Refactored the function to properly utilize the ``base_url`` global variable. :param api_base: Determines if the ``/api/core/v3/`` path should be appended (``True`` by default) :type api_base: bool :returns: The base URL for the Khoros JX or Jive-n environment """ verify_connection() global base_url base_url = '' if not base_url else base_url if not api_base: base_url = base_url.split('/api')[0] return base_url
[docs]def get_query_url(pre_endpoint, asset_id="", post_endpoint=""): """This function constructs an API query URL excluding any query strings. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Refactored the function to be more efficient. :param pre_endpoint: The endpoint portion of the URL preceding any ID numbers (e.g. ``places``) :type pre_endpoint: str :param asset_id: The ID for an asset (e.g. User ID, Browse ID for a space/blog, etc.) :type asset_id: str, int :param post_endpoint: Any remaining endpoints following the ID number (e.g. ``contents``) :type post_endpoint: str :returns: The fully structured query URL """ # TODO: Include parameter to make the query URL absolute # Verify that the connection has been established verify_connection() # Construct and return the query URL if pre_endpoint[-1:] == '/': pre_endpoint = pre_endpoint[:-1] query_url = f"{base_url}/{pre_endpoint}" for section in (asset_id, post_endpoint): if not isinstance(section, str): section = str(section) if section: if section[-1:] == '/': section = section[:1] section = f"/{section}" query_url += section return query_url
[docs]def get_data(endpoint, lookup_value, identifier='id', return_json=False, ignore_exceptions=False, all_fields=False, verify_ssl=True): """This function returns data for a specific API endpoint. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Fixed how the ``query_url`` variable is defined to proactively avoid raising any :py:exc:`NameError` exceptions. .. versionchanged:: 2.6.0 Added the ``verify_ssl`` argument. :param endpoint: The API endpoint against which to request data (e.g. ``people``, ``contents``, etc.) :type endpoint: str :param lookup_value: The value to use to look up the endpoint data :type lookup_value: int, str :param identifier: The type of lookup value used to look up the endpoint data (Default: ``id``) :type identifier: str :param return_json: Determines if the data should be returned in default or JSON format (Default: ``False``) :type return_json: bool :param ignore_exceptions: Determines whether nor not exceptions should be ignored (Default: ``False``) :type ignore_exceptions: bool :param all_fields: Determines whether or not the ``fields=@all`` query should be included (Default: ``False``) :type all_fields: bool :param verify_ssl: Determines if API calls should verify SSL certificates (``True`` by default) :type verify_ssl: bool :returns: The API response either as a requests response or in JSON format depending on the ``return_json`` value :raises: :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ # Verify that the connection has been established verify_connection() # Define the endpoint if an appropriate one is supplied available_endpoints = ['abuseReports', 'acclaim', 'actions', 'activities', 'addOns', 'announcements', 'attachments', 'calendar', 'checkpoints', 'collaborations', 'comments', 'contents', 'deletedObjects', 'dms', 'events', 'eventTypes', 'executeBatch', 'extprops', 'extstreamDefs', 'extstreams', 'ideaVotes', 'images', 'inbox', 'invites', 'members', 'mentions', 'messages', 'moderation', 'oembed', 'outcomes', 'pages', 'people', 'places', 'placeTemplateCategories', 'placeTemplates', 'placeTopics', 'profileImages', 'publications', 'questions', 'rsvp', 'search', 'sections', 'securityGroups', 'shares', 'slides', 'stages', 'statics', 'streamEntries', 'streams', 'tags', 'tileDefs', 'tiles', 'urls', 'versions', 'videos', 'vitals', 'votes', 'webhooks' ] query_url = f"{base_url}/{endpoint}" if endpoint in available_endpoints else None if not query_url: raise errors.exceptions.InvalidEndpointError() # Define the identifier type for the lookup value if identifier == "id": query_url += f"/{lookup_value}" elif identifier == "email" or identifier == "username": invalid_endpoint_msg = f"The identifier '{identifier}' is only accepted with the people endpoint." if endpoint != "people": raise errors.exceptions.InvalidLookupTypeError(invalid_endpoint_msg) else: if identifier == "email": query_url += f"/email/{lookup_value}" elif identifier == "username": query_url += f"/username/{lookup_value}" else: unrecognized_endpoint_msg = f"The identifier '{identifier}' is unrecognized." if not ignore_exceptions: raise errors.exceptions.InvalidLookupTypeError(unrecognized_endpoint_msg) unrecognized_endpoint_retry_msg = f"{unrecognized_endpoint_msg} " + \ "The function will attempt to use the default 'id' identifier." eprint(unrecognized_endpoint_retry_msg) query_url += f"/{lookup_value}" # Append the fields=@all query if requested query_url += "?fields=@all" if all_fields else query_url # Perform the GET request with retries to account for any timeouts response = get_request_with_retries(query_url, verify_ssl=verify_ssl) # Error out if the response isn't successful if response.status_code != 200: error_msg = f"The query failed with a {response.status_code} status code and the following error: " + \ f"{response.text}" if ignore_exceptions: print(error_msg) if return_json: empty_json = {} response = convert_dict_to_json(empty_json) else: raise errors.exceptions.GETRequestError(error_msg) response = response.json() if return_json else response return response
def _api_request_with_payload(_url, _json_payload, _request_type, _verify_ssl=True): """This function performs an API request while supplying a JSON payload. .. versionchanged:: 3.2.0 The query URL is now made into an absolute URL as necessary before performing the API request. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Included the name of the raised exception in the error message. .. versionchanged:: 2.6.0 Added the ``_verify_ssl`` argument. :param _url: The query URL to be leveraged in the API call :type _url: str :param _json_payload: The payload for the API call in JSON format :type _json_payload: dict :param _request_type: Defines if the API call will be a ``put`` or ``post`` request :type _request_type: str :param _verify_ssl: Determines if API calls should verify SSL certificates (``True`` by default) :type _verify_ssl: bool :returns: The API response :raises: :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.InvalidRequestTypeError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError` """ # Prepare the query URL _url = ensure_absolute_url(_url) # Perform the API request _retries, _response = 0, None while _retries <= 5: try: _headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json"} if _request_type.lower() == "put": _response = requests.put(_url, data=json.dumps(_json_payload, default=str), auth=api_credentials, headers=_headers, verify=_verify_ssl) elif _request_type.lower() == "post": _response =, data=json.dumps(_json_payload, default=str), auth=api_credentials, headers=_headers, verify=_verify_ssl) else: raise errors.exceptions.InvalidRequestTypeError() break except Exception as _api_exception: _exc_type = type(_api_exception).__name__ _current_attempt = f"(Attempt {_retries} of 5)" _error_msg = f"The {_request_type.upper()} request has failed with the following exception: " + \ f"{_exc_type} - {_api_exception} {_current_attempt}" print(_error_msg) _retries += 1 pass if _retries == 6: _failure_msg = "The script was unable to complete successfully after five consecutive API timeouts. " + \ "Please run the script again or contact Khoros or Aurea Support for further assistance." raise errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError(_failure_msg) return _response
[docs]def post_request_with_retries(url, json_payload, verify_ssl=True): """This function performs a POST request with a total of 5 retries in case of timeouts or connection issues. .. versionchanged:: 3.2.0 The query URL is now made into an absolute URL as necessary before performing the API request. .. versionchanged:: 2.6.0 Added the ``verify_ssl`` argument. :param url: The URI to be queried :type url: str :param json_payload: The payload for the POST request in JSON format :type json_payload: dict :param verify_ssl: Determines if API calls should verify SSL certificates (``True`` by default) :type verify_ssl: bool :returns: The API response from the POST request :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.POSTRequestError` """ url = ensure_absolute_url(url) response = _api_request_with_payload(url, json_payload, 'post', verify_ssl) return response
[docs]def put_request_with_retries(url, json_payload, verify_ssl=True): """This function performs a PUT request with a total of 5 retries in case of timeouts or connection issues. .. versionchanged:: 3.2.0 The query URL is now made into an absolute URL as necessary before performing the API request. .. versionchanged:: 2.6.0 Added the ``verify_ssl`` argument. :param url: The URI to be queried :type url: str :param json_payload: The payload for the PUT request in JSON format :type json_payload: dict :param verify_ssl: Determines if API calls should verify SSL certificates (``True`` by default) :type verify_ssl: bool :returns: The API response from the PUT request :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.APIConnectionError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.PUTRequestError` """ url = ensure_absolute_url(url) response = _api_request_with_payload(url, json_payload, 'put', verify_ssl) return response
[docs]def delete(uri, return_json=False, verify_ssl=True): """This function performs a DELETE request against the Core API. .. versionchanged:: 3.2.0 The query URL is now made into an absolute URL as necessary before performing the API request. .. versionchanged:: 2.6.0 Added the ``verify_ssl`` argument. :param uri: The URI against which the DELETE request will be issued :type uri: str :param return_json: Determines whether or not the response should be returned in JSON format (Default: ``False``) :type return_json: bool :param verify_ssl: Determines if API calls should verify SSL certificates (``True`` by default) :type verify_ssl: bool :returns: The API response from the DELETE request (optionally in JSON format) """ uri = ensure_absolute_url(uri) response = requests.delete(uri, auth=api_credentials, verify=verify_ssl) if return_json: response = response.json() return response
[docs]def get_fields_from_api_response(json_data, dataset, return_fields=None, quiet=False): """This function parses and retrieves fields from an API response from a specific dataset. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Changed the default ``return_fields`` value to ``None`` and adjusted the function accordingly. .. versionchanged:: 2.6.0 Added conditional to ensure ``quiet`` is ``False`` before calling the ``stderr`` print statement. .. versionchanged:: 2.5.3 Fixed the ``email.value`` filter and added the optional ``quiet`` argument. :param json_data: The JSON data from an API response :type json_data: dict :param dataset: The nickname of a dataset from which fields should be retrieved (e.g. ``people``, ``group_admins``) :type dataset: str :param return_fields: The fields that should be returned from the API response (Default: all fields in dataset) :type return_fields: list, None :param quiet: Silences any errors about being unable to locate API fields (``False`` by default) :type quiet: bool :returns: A dictionary with the field names and corresponding values :raises: :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.InvalidDatasetError` """ # Define the empty dictionary for data to return fields_data = {} # Define the fields that should be returned for the data fields_to_return = return_fields if return_fields else [] if not fields_to_return: # Get the default return fields for the dataset if dataset not in Content.datasets: error_msg = f"The supplied value '{dataset}' is not a valid dataset." raise errors.exceptions.InvalidDatasetError(error_msg) fields_to_return = Content.datasets.get(dataset) # Get and return the fields and corresponding values for field in fields_to_return: field_not_found = False try: if field in json_data: fields_data[field] = json_data[field] elif field == "email.value": fields_data[field] = json_data['emails'][0]['value'] elif field == "name.formatted": fields_data[field] = json_data['name']['formatted'] elif field == "jive.lastAuthenticated": fields_data[field] = json_data['jive']['lastAuthenticated'] elif field == "jive.externalIdentities.identityType": fields_data[field] = json_data['jive']['externalIdentities'][0]['identityType'] elif field == "jive.externalIdentities.identity": fields_data[field] = json_data['jive']['externalIdentities'][0]['identity'] elif field == "jive.username": fields_data[field] = json_data['jive']['username'] elif field == "jive.status": fields_data[field] = json_data['jive']['status'] elif field == "resources.html.ref": fields_data[field] = json_data['resources']['html']['ref'] else: field_not_found = True except (IndexError, KeyError): field_not_found = True if field_not_found and not quiet: eprint(f"Unable to locate the '{field}' field in the API response data.") return fields_data
def _get_filter_syntax(_filter_info, _prefix=True): """This function retrieves the proper filter syntax for an API call.""" if type(_filter_info) != tuple and type(_filter_info) != list: raise TypeError("Filter information must be provided as a tuple (element, criteria) or a list of tuples.") elif type(_filter_info) == tuple: _filter_info = [_filter_info] _syntax = "" if len(_filter_info[0]) > 0: _define_prefix = {True: '&', False: ''} _syntax_prefix = _define_prefix.get(_prefix) for _filter_tuple in _filter_info: _element, _criteria = _filter_tuple _syntax = f"{_syntax_prefix}filter={_element}({_criteria})&" _syntax = _syntax[:-1] return _syntax
[docs]def get_paginated_results(query, response_data_type, start_index=0, filter_info=(), query_all=True, return_fields=None, ignore_exceptions=False, quiet=False, verify_ssl=True): """This function performs a GET request for a single paginated response up to 100 records. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Changed the default ``return_fields`` value to ``None`` and adjusted the function accordingly. .. versionchanged:: 2.6.0 Added the ``verify_ssl`` argument. :param query: The API query without the query string :type query: str :param response_data_type: The dataset of fields that will be in the API response (e.g. ``group_members``) :type response_data_type: str :param start_index: The startIndex value in the API query string (``0`` by default) :type start_index: int, str :param filter_info: A tuple of list of tuples containing the filter element and criteria (Optional) :type filter_info: tuple, list :param query_all: Determines if ``fields=@all`` filter should be included in the query string (Default: ``True``) :type query_all: bool :param return_fields: The fields that should be returned from the API response (Default: all fields in dataset) :type return_fields: list, None :param ignore_exceptions: Determines whether nor not exceptions should be ignored (Default: ``False``) :type ignore_exceptions: bool :param quiet: Silences any errors about being unable to locate API fields (``False`` by default) :type quiet: bool :param verify_ssl: Determines if API calls should verify SSL certificates (``True`` by default) :type verify_ssl: bool :returns: The queried data as a list comprised of dictionaries :raises: :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.GETRequestError` """ # Initialize the empty list for the aggregate data aggregate_data = [] # Construct the full API query fields_filter = "" if query_all: fields_filter = "fields=@all&" if '?' in query: # Strip out the query string if present to prevent interference with the query string to be added query = query.split("?")[0] other_filters = _get_filter_syntax(filter_info, _prefix=True) full_query = f"{query}?{fields_filter}count=100&startIndex={start_index}{other_filters}" # Perform the API query to retrieve the information response = get_request_with_retries(full_query, verify_ssl=verify_ssl) # Verify that the query was successful successful_response = errors.handlers.check_api_response(response, ignore_exceptions=ignore_exceptions) if successful_response: # Get the response data in JSON format paginated_data = response.json() for data in paginated_data['list']: # Parse and append the data parsed_data = get_fields_from_api_response(data, response_data_type, return_fields, quiet) aggregate_data.append(parsed_data) return aggregate_data