Source code for khorosjx.content.threads

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:Module:            khorosjx.content.threads
:Synopsis:          Collection of functions relating to discussion and question threads
:Usage:             ``from khorosjx.content import threads``
:Example:           ``content_id = threads.get_content_id(url)``
:Created By:        Jeff Shurtliff
:Last Modified:     Jeff Shurtliff
:Modified Date:     22 Sep 2021

from .. import core
from . import base

# Define global variables
base_url, api_credentials = '', None

[docs]def verify_core_connection(): """This function verifies that the core connection information (Base URL and API credentials) has been defined. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Refactored the function to be more pythonic and to avoid depending on a try/except block. :returns: None :raises: :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.KhorosJXError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.NoCredentialsError` """ if not base_url or not api_credentials: retrieve_connection_info() return
[docs]def retrieve_connection_info(): """This function initializes and defines the global variables for the connection information. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Refactored the function to be more efficient. :returns: None :raises: :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.KhorosJXError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.NoCredentialsError` """ # Define the global variables at this module level global base_url global api_credentials base_url, api_credentials = core.get_connection_info() return
# Define function to get the content ID from a URL
[docs]def get_content_id(url): """This function obtains the Content ID for a particular discussion or question thread. :param url: The URL of the thread :type url: str :returns: The Content ID for the thread :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError` """ content_id = base.get_content_id(url, 'thread') return content_id