Source code for khorosjx.content.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:Module:            khorosjx.content.base
:Synopsis:          Collection of core functions relating to content
:Usage:             ``import khorosjx.content.base as content_core``
:Example:           ``content_id = content_core.get_content_id(url, 'document')``
:Created By:        Jeff Shurtliff
:Last Modified:     Jeff Shurtliff
:Modified Date:     22 Sep 2021

import re

from .. import core, errors
from ..utils import core_utils
from ..utils.classes import Content

# Define global variables
base_url, api_credentials = '', None

# Define function to verify the connection in the core module
[docs]def verify_core_connection(): """This function verifies that the core connection information (Base URL and API credentials) has been defined. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Refactored the function to be more pythonic and to avoid depending on a try/except block. :returns: None :raises: :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.KhorosJXError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.NoCredentialsError` """ if not base_url or not api_credentials: retrieve_connection_info() return
[docs]def retrieve_connection_info(): """This function initializes and defines the global variables for the connection information. .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Refactored the function to be more efficient. :returns: None :raises: :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.KhorosJXError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.NoCredentialsError` """ # Define the global variables at this module level global base_url global api_credentials base_url, api_credentials = core.get_connection_info() return
# Define function to get the content ID from a URL
[docs]def get_content_id(url, content_type="document", verify_ssl=True): """This function obtains the Content ID for a particular content asset. (Supports all but blog posts) .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Made some minor syntax improvements. .. versionchanged:: 2.6.0 Added the ``verify_ssl`` argument. :param url: The URL to the content :type url: str :param content_type: The content type for the URL for which to obtain the Content ID (Default: ``document``) :type content_type: str :param verify_ssl: Determines if API calls should verify SSL certificates (``True`` by default) :type verify_ssl: bool :returns: The Content ID for the content URL :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.ContentNotFoundError` """ # Verify that the core connection has been established verify_core_connection() # Get the domain URL from the supplied content URL if content_type in Content.content_url_delimiters: platform_url = url.split(Content.content_url_delimiters.get(content_type))[0] if not platform_url.startswith('http'): platform_url = f"https://{platform_url}" else: error_msg = "Unable to identify the platform URL for the URL and defined content type." raise ValueError(error_msg) # Get the ID to be used in the GET request if content_type == "document": item_id = url.split('DOC-')[1] elif content_type == "blog post": raise ValueError("The get_content_id function does not currently support blog posts.") else: item_id = re.sub(r'^.*/', '', url) # Construct the appropriate query URL if content_type in Content.content_types: content_type_id = Content.content_types.get(content_type) query_url = f"{platform_url}/api/core/v3/contents?filter=entityDescriptor({content_type_id},{item_id})&count=1" else: error_msg = f"The content type {content_type} is unrecognized. Unable to perform the function." raise ValueError(error_msg) # Query the API to get the content ID try: response = core.get_request_with_retries(query_url, verify_ssl=verify_ssl) content_data = response.json() content_id = content_data['list'][0]['contentID'] except KeyError: raise errors.exceptions.ContentNotFoundError() return content_id
# Define an internal function to convert a lookup value to a proper lookup type def __convert_lookup_value(_lookup_value, _lookup_type, _content_type="document"): """This function converts a lookup value to a proper lookup type. :param _lookup_value: The lookup value to be converted :type _lookup_value: str, int :param _lookup_type: The current lookup type of the value to be converted :type _lookup_type: str :param _content_type: The type of content associated with the lookup value and lookup type (Default: ``document``) :type _content_type: str :returns: The properly formatted lookup value :raises: :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.LookupMismatchError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.InvalidLookupTypeError`, :py:exc:`khorosjx.errors.exceptions.CurrentlyUnsupportedError` """ # TODO: Rename this function to only have one underscore prefix # Verify that the core connection has been established verify_core_connection() # Convert the lookup value as needed if _content_type == "document": # Get the Content ID if not supplied if _lookup_type == "doc_id" or _lookup_type == "url": if _lookup_type == "doc_id": if 'http' in str(_lookup_value): _error_msg = f"The 'doc_id' lookup_type was supplied (default) but the lookup value is a URL." raise errors.exceptions.LookupMismatchError(_error_msg) _lookup_value = f"{base_url.split('/api')[0]}/docs/DOC-{_lookup_value}" _lookup_value = get_content_id(_lookup_value) elif _lookup_type != "id" and _lookup_type != "content_id": _exception_msg = "The supplied lookup type for the API is not recognized. " + \ "(Valid lookup types include 'id', 'content_id', 'doc_id' and 'url')" raise errors.exceptions.InvalidLookupTypeError(_exception_msg) else: _exception_msg = f"The '{_content_type}' content type is not currently supported." raise errors.exceptions.CurrentlyUnsupportedError(_exception_msg) # TODO: Add functionality for other content types (e.g. discussion/question threads) return _lookup_value # Define internal function to trim the attachments data def __trim_attachments_info(_attachment_info): """This function removes certain fields from attachments data captured via the API. :param _attachment_info: List containing dictionaries of attachments retrieved via the API :type _attachment_info: list :returns: The trimmed list of dictionaries """ # TODO: Rename this function to only have one underscore prefix for _idx in range(len(_attachment_info)): _fields_to_ignore = ['resources', 'doUpload'] for _ignored_field in _fields_to_ignore: if _ignored_field in _attachment_info[_idx].keys(): del _attachment_info[_idx][_ignored_field] return _attachment_info
[docs]def get_paginated_content(endpoint, query_string="", start_index=0, dataset="", all_fields=False, return_fields=None, ignore_exceptions=False): """This function returns paginated content information. (Up to 100 records at a time) .. versionchanged:: 3.1.0 Changed the default ``return_fields`` value to ``None`` and adjusted the function accordingly. :param endpoint: The full endpoint without preceding slash (e.g. ``securityGroups``, ``people/email/user_email``) :type endpoint: str :param query_string: Any query strings to apply (without preceding ``?``) excluding ``count`` and ``startIndex`` :type query_string: str :param start_index: The startIndex API value :type start_index: int, str :param dataset: Defines the type of data returned in the API response (e.g. ``security_group``, ``people``, etc.) :type dataset: str :param all_fields: Determines if the ``fields=@all`` parameter should be passed in the query :type all_fields: bool :param return_fields: Specific fields to return if not all of the default fields are needed (Optional) :type return_fields: list, None :param ignore_exceptions: Determines whether nor not exceptions should be ignored (Default: ``False``) :type ignore_exceptions: bool :returns: A list of dictionaries containing information for each group in the paginated query """ # Initialize the empty list for the group information content = [] # Identify if all fields should be captured all_fields_options = {True: 'fields=@all&', False: ''} all_fields = False if 'fields=@all' in query_string else all_fields all_fields = all_fields_options.get(all_fields) # Construct the API query start_index_delimiter = {True: '?', False: '&'} query_uri = f"{base_url}/{endpoint.replace('?', '')}?{query_string.replace('?', '')}" empty_query = True if query_string == "" else False query_uri = f"{query_uri}{start_index_delimiter.get(empty_query)}" + \ f"{all_fields}startIndex={start_index}&count=100" # Perform the API query to retrieve the group information response = core.get_request_with_retries(query_uri) # Verify that the query was successful successful_response = errors.handlers.check_api_response(response, ignore_exceptions=ignore_exceptions) if successful_response: # Get the response data in JSON format paginated_data = response.json() for content_data in paginated_data.get('list'): if dataset == "" or dataset not in Content.datasets: dataset = core_utils.identify_dataset(query_uri) parsed_data = core.get_fields_from_api_response(content_data, dataset, return_fields) content.append(parsed_data) return content