Managing Users


This page is currently in development.

This page has instructions relating to managing users within a KhorosJX (or Jive-n) community, including tasks such as obtaining user information and statistics and other similar operations.

Leveraging the Users Module

In order to leverage the Users Module (and any other module within the khorosjx library) you must first perform the following steps:

  1. Import the high-level khorosjx package.

  2. Initialize the users module.

  3. Establish the connection to the environment.

This is demonstrated in the example below.

# Import the package
import khorosjx

# Initialize the users module

# Establish a connection to the environment
environment_url = ''
api_username = 'adminuser'
api_password = 'password123$'
khorosjx.core.connect(environment_url, (api_username, api_password))

# Global variables established from the connection above
base_url            # Global variable (str) derived from the environment_url above
api_credentials     # Global variable (tuple) derived from api_username and api_password above


The API credentials were defined in the example above for the purpose of demonstrating the process. However, it is strongly recommended that you never include API credentials in plaintext within scripts or other locations that can potentially be accessed by unauthorized parties.

See also

To simplify the initialization process, you should consider leveraging the Helper Module (khorosjx.utils.helper).

Obtaining User Information

This section addresses how you can obtain information about a user to use in other administrative functions and/or to obtain for statistical purposes.

Obtain the User ID of a user

The User ID value is a unique identifier within the KhorosJX / Jive environment which identifies a user and allows the platform–as well as third-party integrations via the API–to take actions against the user in various capacities.

However, sometimes the User ID for a user is not readily available and you only have their email address or username. In these situations, the get_user_id() function can be used to retrieve the needed User ID, as shown in the examples below.

user_id_from_email = khorosjx.users.get_user_id('')
user_id_from_username = khorosjx.users.get_user_id('john_doe', 'username')


You will notice that, because email is the default identifier, you must supply username as a second argument if you are providing a username.

Obtain the username, email address and profile URL of a user

Similar to how you obtain the User ID of a user, you can also retrieve a user’s username, email address and profile URL using simple functions within the Users Module (khorosjx.users). These operations are explained in the following subsections.

Obtain the username

Assuming you have the User ID or email address for a user, you can quickly obtain their username via the khorosjx.users.get_username() function, as demonstrated in the examples below.

username_from_id = khorosjx.users.get_username(1234)
username_from_email = khorosjx.users.get_username('', 'email')


Similar to the khorosjx.users.get_user_id() function, you must provide the lookup type (e.g. email) as a second argument if not querying with the User ID.

You may also notice that when leveraging the User ID, you can provide it as either an integer or a string value and both will be acceptable.

Obtain the primary email address

You can quickly retrieve the primary email address for a user by leveraging the khorosjx.users.get_primary_email() function and supplying the User ID or username of the user. This is demonstrated below.

email_address_from_id = khorosjx.users.get_primary_email(1234)
email_address_from_username = khorosjx.users.get_primary_email('john_doe', 'username')


As with the other functions above, you must provide the lookup type (e.g. username) as a second argument if not querying with the User ID. Also in similar fashion, the User ID can be provided as either an integer or a string value and both will be acceptable.

Obtain the user profile URL

When you have the username for a user, it is easy to determine the URL of their respective profile as the URL structure is simply your base URL, the people endpoint and then the username. (e.g.

However, the khorosjx.users.get_profile_url() function makes the process even easier by constructing the URL for you, and can even do so when supplied a User ID or email address rather than a username.

All three methods are demonstrated below.

profile_url_from_id = khorosjx.users.get_profile_url(1234)
profile_url_from_email = khorosjx.users.get_profile_url('', 'email')
profile_url_from_username = khorosjxusers.get_profile_url('john_doe', 'username')


Despite the profile URL being constructed using the username, functions within this module will generally utilize the User ID as the primary lookup type as it is the main unique identifier leveraged within the Khoros JX / Jive platform.


The remainder of this document is still in progress. Please check back later for updates.